Handbook of Disability   

Handbook of Disability

Marcia H Rioux Jose Viera Alexis Buettgen Ezra Zubrow

Hardback. Springer Verlag, Singapore 2024-01-15.
ISBN 9789811960550
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Forlagets beskrivelse

This important reference work maps the terrain of disability across the world by providing an overview of issues, concerns and developments in the domains of society, culture, medicine, law, policy, education, economics, and science and technology. Working from an interdisciplinary matrix, this book reviews historical developments, contemporary practices and policies. It addresses hitherto unchartered areas in the disability discourse that will be significant in the years to come. In the modern world, the social and medical responses to disability have separated, segregated and incarcerated disabled people. These responses are reflected in practices of special education, the building of asylums, medical classifications and sheltered employment. Current thinking on disability is based on the need to overcome such segregation through the enactment of human rights and inclusive programmes, policies and laws such as inclusive education, affirmative action, reasonable accommodation, and supported decision-making. This truly inclusive volume brings together perspectives from researchers, activists, professionals, service providers, international development experts and policymakers based in the global North and South. It mainly focuses on the voices of the principal stakeholders---disabled persons. It explores the evolution of the concept of disability over space and time and identifies approaches to disability and debility; highlights broad trends in research in disability across the world; identifies new directions in work on disability; recognizes the emergence of a global disability movement and its etiology; discusses the intersections of disability with other demographic variables like gender, race, caste, and age; and historical and socio-economic interfaces with colonialism, globalization, and social development. Spread over 20 sections and spanning more than 100 chapters, this volume is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference work available on the subject

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Handbook of Disability
Handbook of Disability




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