Northern lights; a guide   

Northern lights; a guide

Pål Brekke

Innbundet. Forlaget Press 2013.
ISBN 9788275476249
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What is more beautiful on a cold winter's night than catching a glimpse of the northern lights or "aurora borealis" dancing across the sky? This stunning phenomenon is deeply embedded in the mythology of many cultures, and in the past, the causes of northern lights were ascribed to everything from dancing spirits to God's anger. After decades of research, we now know that auroras appear when charged particles from the Sun interact with the Earth's magnetic field, which directs the particles into the atmosphere where they collide with gases and emit the light that we call auroras. By monitoring the activity of the Sun it is therefore possible to forecast the strength and location of the aurora.When is the best time to see auroras? Where is the best place to go? How to plan a trip? What is needed to be able to observe auroras? How to photograph auroras with a digital camera? By answering these and many other questions, this book is the ultimate guide and an ideal companion for anyone who wishes to learn more about auroras, when and where strong northern lights are likely to occur and how to best observe and photograph this spectacular natural phenomenon with a digital camera

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Northern lights; a guide
Northern lights; a guide




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